Define your boundaries, know your limits

Do you know there is a difference between boundaries and limits?
Did you ever know there are boundaries and limits in your life? Did you know that for you to stride forward in any endeavour, you have to push your boundaries?
Do you know many have gone beyond their reparable boundaries because they were made to think they have no limits?
Define your boundaries, know your limits! You got to cross your boundaries from your comfort zone to your zone of discomfort, if you wish to move forward, but you have to understand that going across your limits, beyond your zone of discomfort might lead to your irreparable breaking point.
Boundaries are defined for safety and pushed for growth.
Limits are meant for safety and should be dared with caution!
Boundaries can be defined in the way we interaction with people around us or in our approach to personal endeavours. The boundaries in our interactions with others is quite flexible, and varies from person to person. What can be tolerated with one person might just be unacceptable from another.
When a boundary becomes rigid, it becomes a limit! If a limit becomes flexible, it becomes a boundary!
Define your boundaries with people in order to instil respect and avoid abuse!
Very calm and quiet people are the most prone to abuse and disrespect because they tolerate a lot from people, because they hardly define boundaries. Ironically, people often express a feeling of shock and surprise when they begin to react to disrespect and abuse. They often tolerate without laying clear boundaries, until the red lines (limits) are crossed!
Beyond limits is the breaking point.