How to answer the question why you quit your previous job during a job interview
- By Nc Ndashi
- In Career
Why did you quit your previous job?
Why did you leave your previous job?
A basic screening question that gives recruiters and hiring managers an idea of your personality and work ethic is ‘why did you leave your previous job?’. Consequently, you should always be prepared to answer this question if you are preparing for a job interview.
Obviously, there are good reasons for leaving a job as well as there are bad reasons.
Your answer to this basic screening question during a job interview gives hiring managers and recruiters an idea of your personality and work ethic.
Most of the time, they are looking to find out if you were fired or if you quit because you simply got bored with your current position. Either way, an unfavourable answer could indicate that you are not trustworthy or will be a “flaky” employee.
Some of the wrong reasons you should advance for leaving your job include:
- You were fired
- You were arrested
- You were bored with your previous job
- Workplace politics
- Bad boss
What to Say in a Job Interview
The fact that the above points are bad reasons for quitting your job does not mean you have to lie. The above reasons are simply not reasons enough for you to quit. Always be honest with your answers and provide straightforward answers that are easy to understand and avoid going into too much detail.
By the time you are called for an interview, the company will have done a thorough background check on your employment history and references. Endeavour to provide the interviewers the correct information that does not contradict their research.
Some good reasons why you would quit your job, and which you can advance to an interviewer include:
- Family situation
- Company restructure
- Career change
- Health reasons
NB: My personal advice to you is NEVER speak evil about your former employer during an interview session, even if they pissed you off during your time with them. It speaks volumes about your attitude, and very little of your former employer.
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