You might have been told when learning a new skill you’ve got to “practice, practice, practice”. Practice is important; you’ve likely heard me mention this more than once before, but far more important is how you practice. Something learners (and many teachers)
Self-confidence can ebb and flow—but it can also be strengthened. It’s a myth that confidence is required before we take action. In fact, the opposite is true. The more often we take the actions we are inspired to take, the more confident
The Key To Self Discipline Self discipline starts with the ability to control your behavior. That means motivating yourself to do what you need to do, and stopping yourself from doing things that are bad for you. The “ability to
If you are already reaching a point of frustration, let me tell you right now that one quality one must possess or develop is the willingness to invest time and effort, even if direct results do not seem at all
How do you look at life? Do you find yourself complaining about every little thing? Do you have a long list that goes on and on and on?. Job stress, friend problems, family that’s done, you wrong, the weather and